A contributing factor is that he has been self-employed for the last couple of years which has been extremely stressful and time consuming without much monetary return so his self esteem is pretty low.
I went through that as well, it's tough. I learned the hard way that my skills in running a business are no where near my architectural skills.
I finally went to work for an architectural firm. Now I design all day, go home at night, and forget about business all together on the weekends. Oh, and I now have a check coming in every two weeks instead of hunting down clients for past due balances.
Maybe you can help him look through the Help Wanted ads in the paper to find a job? Use the premise that you want to spend more time with him and you want to help him free up his time by letting someone else worry about running a business.
As far as the spiritual search goes, maybe the two of you can read the Bible together once or twice a week? Not sure what to say there?
One thing is for sure, the WTS has enough low self-esteem, unaccomplished men on the organization already. If your man is feeling low right now, don?t let the WTS feed of off his fears and make him another JW victim. Hew likely is not such a man, otherwise you would not have married him, right? Let him know that. Build him up, not by blowing sunshine up his a$$, but by guiding him to a direction where he can succeed with the talents he does have.
Not everyone is a businessman, so there?s no shame in not succeeding, just in giving up.